aku baru balik daripada hantar pengantin ke Perak weekend lepas. sepupu hubby. cantik pengantin pompuan tu..
biasa la, org pompuan kan... balik daripada majlis je mcm2 la komentar dan pandangan yang jadi topik. topik wajib : HANTARAN.
A: Berapa hantaran budak tu?
B: RM 8888.88
C: wah..nombor ala ong..ekekekekeke...
B: budak tu lawa.
D: pergh..sekolah setakat tingkatan 2 pun hantaran smpi 8k??? aku yg grad ni pun 6k je...
C: rezeki orang..
Berapa hantaran kau? hahahaha..jgn takut la...aku tak penah tanya benda ni kat kwn2 aku. hatta yang rapat sekalipun. sebab perkara ni sensitif. manusia kan, tinggi dikata jual anak, rendah dikata tak ikut kos kahwin semasa. (adakah perkahwinan itu satu perniagaan?)
tak kisah la berapa pun mak korang letak sebab korang anak diaorg..so sukahati parents korg la nak letak harga berapa. yang penting pada aku pihak lelaki tak merungut (di depan atau di belakang). sebab bila merungut dah jadi tak ikhlas nak kahwin dan..nanti jadi isu berbangkit plak di masa hadapan.
orang pompuan jangan la letak mahal2 kalau bakal pengantin lelaki kerja biasa2 atau baru nak mula kerja. kesian dia...jangan la masuk sekali kos mak andam dalam hantaran tu. pastu tak payah la nak buat paling hebat atau terkini atau tersendiri sangat..awak bukan artis pun. perlu sangat ke bertukar2 baju tu? inai berkeluk2 tu? dulang pinjam dari istana tu? perlu sangat ke? (ops, lupa plak..kahwin seumur hidup sekali..Insya Allah!)
orang lelaki pulak, tak reti2 nak kumpul duit? kurangkan rokok tu..kang makin tensen cari duit makin byk la hisap rokok sebab nak hilangkan tensen tu. mekap kereta ala kadar je, bang. nanti lepas kahwin baru tukar sport rim baru, ok. nak pakai tayar besar tayar traktor pun boleh.
ha,,kan aku dah membebel. tapi kat sini je la. siapa la aku nak mengajar org kan..sendiri pun carca marba.
apa? berapa hantaran aku? Murah jek, kak. ada la 3 bulan gaji cikgu KPLI baru ngajar. ekekekeke..hamba org marhaen, malu nak letak mahal2. Walaupun bapak saya pensyarah...ewah!
tapi ada baiknya jugak hantaran aku tak tinggi. kau imagine la kalau mak aku letak 10k. sekali after 8 years kawin, anak nan hadooo (maknanya takde la tu)...tak berbakul ke org kg mak mertua aku nak mengata aku...harap aje hantaran tinggi, hasil tarak! akak tak sanggup dik oi nak mendengar umpat keji org. Hahahaha..nampak tak hikmahnya?
tapi kalau kau rasa esok2 anak kau tu dapat first class degree ke, Anugerah Dekan ke...berbaloi nak letak 10k or 20k tu terpulang la. anak kau kan. Jangan esok ada yang berbunyi.."boleh buat masak ke Anugerah Dekan tu?"
p/s: perenggan di atas juga adalah petikan daripada forum tak perdana yang benar.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
campus life
Last week my significant other and I were in Bangi. On our way back from Kajang we passed UKM. At the spur of the moment we decided to enter our old Uni...Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Wow..while the buildings stay true to its 'vintage' and weathered look, many new things sprouted. We didn't stop to take pics, just capturing some from inside the car.
Whoa.....i thought i never wanted to step into the keramat land again...but was I blown away by tides after tides of emotions. tears welled, speech choked and heavy chested...i was drawn into the old memories. how time flies...and i couldn't believe how far my faculty building from the front gate is because i used to walked from fac to the gate in 10 minutes flat. sekarang kalau di bayar pun aku tak nak..500m ada kut jauhnya! padan la dulu kuruih...ekekekekeke..
then the next day we went to Tronoh for my lil bro's convo. Here's the chap...looking good and happy.
He used to nearly expelled from UTP. After my parents intervention and with Allah's blessing he was only suspended for 3 semester. He learned his lesson the hard way. Pity my bro...for a while he was at lost. Someone even had the nerve to spread the news around and call him 'without future'. Now he has a job as an engineer (or engin-nyior as my dad call him), turns over new leaf and looking for a bright future ahead. As for the person who bad mouthed him..well, she is still job-hopping..hahahahaha!
Itu la...Hidup kat U ni bukan sekadar mengejar sekeping ijazah dengan CGPA melambung. Kalau kau excellent itu rezeki kau. Untuk mereka yang dah hampir tersungkur dan tersingkir, untuk grad saja dah cukup melegakan hati. Tapi pengalaman pahit tu cukup mengajar erti hidup. mengajar untuk kenal siapa lawan dan kawan, siapa kaca siapa permata. Air mata dan penat lelah tu tak terbayar dengan duit. Dan orang seperti adik aku tu akan menjadi lebih cemerlang dalam hidup daripada kengkawan dia yang kelas 1 sebab orang macam ni dah rasa sepak terajang untuk survive.
*sigh* I miss my Uni days. Kat situlah aku beljar menjadi dewasa. Kat situlah juga aku kenal dia... :)
then the next day we went to Tronoh for my lil bro's convo. Here's the chap...looking good and happy.
He used to nearly expelled from UTP. After my parents intervention and with Allah's blessing he was only suspended for 3 semester. He learned his lesson the hard way. Pity my bro...for a while he was at lost. Someone even had the nerve to spread the news around and call him 'without future'. Now he has a job as an engineer (or engin-nyior as my dad call him), turns over new leaf and looking for a bright future ahead. As for the person who bad mouthed him..well, she is still job-hopping..hahahahaha!
Itu la...Hidup kat U ni bukan sekadar mengejar sekeping ijazah dengan CGPA melambung. Kalau kau excellent itu rezeki kau. Untuk mereka yang dah hampir tersungkur dan tersingkir, untuk grad saja dah cukup melegakan hati. Tapi pengalaman pahit tu cukup mengajar erti hidup. mengajar untuk kenal siapa lawan dan kawan, siapa kaca siapa permata. Air mata dan penat lelah tu tak terbayar dengan duit. Dan orang seperti adik aku tu akan menjadi lebih cemerlang dalam hidup daripada kengkawan dia yang kelas 1 sebab orang macam ni dah rasa sepak terajang untuk survive.
*sigh* I miss my Uni days. Kat situlah aku beljar menjadi dewasa. Kat situlah juga aku kenal dia... :)
Friday, October 12, 2012
cikgu garang!
Sapa penah kena ketil dgn cikgu dia, sila ngkat tangan!!!!
Aku pun pernah. honestly my Abah garang orangnya. Tambah2 lagi aku ni not exactly an angel while growing up back then so selalu la kena sedas dua dengan rotan. Oh, belt pun pernah..hehehehe. Kena ketil dgn cikgu? There was once in f4 the whole class got pinched by the teacher because our homework was done not up to her standards. That day i was feeling a little bit under the weather so i was wearing a jacket. She thought i was trying to cheat my way out of the punishment so i got more than my friends. As a result i had a 'five-petalled flower' patch of black and blue bruises under my breast area. True story.
Some of my other friends were not so fortunate they had to duck-walk up and down our school building. talk about abuse...huh. well, tu cerita lama. tak perlu diingat..ekekekeke..
My point is...being a teacher is soooooooooooooo stressful. You the term 'lilin membakar diri', 'tak kenal penat lelah'..those are true but actually over rated. I really hate it when my teacher friends keep posting about the 'good deeds' on FB (especially around May because of Teacher's Day). Not that i hate my job but truly people , parents and fellow govt servants don't give a damn about us. To them we are their free babysitters, money grabbing and pengelat sbb kerja separuh hari. So why rub the whole damn thing onto their faces even more, right? What matters to me is i do my job, and if i don't get any credits for that so be it. It's not the end of the world.
which goes to the exact point of this entry.
Last two days my children (kelas yg aku pegang la) were punished by their ustaz bahasa Arab using rotan. no big deal. the bigger deal was, they were spanked for about 20 - 36 rotan spanks per person. KAU GILA KE?????????? One of the boys' parents came complaining to us that their child cant sit or lie on his back because of the blue black bruises. like this bruises:
on both butt cheeks! this is the nearest resemblance to that poor boy's butt injury. so the parents had no choice than to make a medical and police reports.
*sigh* Aku pun garang jugak. Ramai lagi cikgu garang kat dunia ni. Guna jugak rotan tu sekali sekala...terpaksa. Tapi jgn la smpi biru anak og tu dikerjakan. Bila dah jadi mcm ni, rakan2 sekerja lain tak dapat dah nak tolong. Kalau sorg maybe la budak tu tipu tapi ni satu kelas. Macamana tu?
Aku rasa daripada kursuskan cikgu2 ni dengan benda yg bukan2 baik la hantar pegi kursus 'anger management'. Serius...stress beb. Kalau korang as parents pun takl sanggup melayan sorg anak terejal kat rumah 24hrs, imagine ada 5,6 org mcm tu dalam satu kelas. Tak gila kau? Belum lagi terberak, terkencing, termuntah dalam kelas. Belum lagi demam. Belum lagi bergaduh. Belum lagi kes tak buat homework. Mana la tak naik angin.
so, apa aku buat kalau aku naik angin??Aafter 4 tahun mengajar, i learn that i am scary when i got angry. I might as well turn green ripping all my clothes a la The Incredible Hulk. So the first thing i do is...i sit. Far from the children. Where my quick hands can't reach any of their body parts. And then i open my mouth and start my lecture like for ever. That is better than abusing the kids. I think. on some very bad day, i just leave the class for a few minutes.
Speaking of terejal...you may think how terejal my class kids are. Well, one of them was locked up at the police station for shoplifting..he is 9 by the way.Tthe other one was supposedly in Special Edu class but his parents are so in denial we have to bear with the kid's unruly behaviour. Oh, he is the one that can talk about sex as candidly as talking about cats. Who else..erm, this one girl is the ultimate kaki ponteng...by end of last month she has only attend 100 days of school instead of 174. yg lain2 tu...biasa je..gaduh2, jerit2, nangis2, curi2, gunting2 baju...'tu aje'...hehehehehe.
I love my kids.
Aku pun pernah. honestly my Abah garang orangnya. Tambah2 lagi aku ni not exactly an angel while growing up back then so selalu la kena sedas dua dengan rotan. Oh, belt pun pernah..hehehehe. Kena ketil dgn cikgu? There was once in f4 the whole class got pinched by the teacher because our homework was done not up to her standards. That day i was feeling a little bit under the weather so i was wearing a jacket. She thought i was trying to cheat my way out of the punishment so i got more than my friends. As a result i had a 'five-petalled flower' patch of black and blue bruises under my breast area. True story.
Some of my other friends were not so fortunate they had to duck-walk up and down our school building. talk about abuse...huh. well, tu cerita lama. tak perlu diingat..ekekekeke..
My point is...being a teacher is soooooooooooooo stressful. You the term 'lilin membakar diri', 'tak kenal penat lelah'..those are true but actually over rated. I really hate it when my teacher friends keep posting about the 'good deeds' on FB (especially around May because of Teacher's Day). Not that i hate my job but truly people , parents and fellow govt servants don't give a damn about us. To them we are their free babysitters, money grabbing and pengelat sbb kerja separuh hari. So why rub the whole damn thing onto their faces even more, right? What matters to me is i do my job, and if i don't get any credits for that so be it. It's not the end of the world.
which goes to the exact point of this entry.
Last two days my children (kelas yg aku pegang la) were punished by their ustaz bahasa Arab using rotan. no big deal. the bigger deal was, they were spanked for about 20 - 36 rotan spanks per person. KAU GILA KE?????????? One of the boys' parents came complaining to us that their child cant sit or lie on his back because of the blue black bruises. like this bruises:
(ini bukan gmbar sebenar...credit to http://www.wellsphere.com) |
*sigh* Aku pun garang jugak. Ramai lagi cikgu garang kat dunia ni. Guna jugak rotan tu sekali sekala...terpaksa. Tapi jgn la smpi biru anak og tu dikerjakan. Bila dah jadi mcm ni, rakan2 sekerja lain tak dapat dah nak tolong. Kalau sorg maybe la budak tu tipu tapi ni satu kelas. Macamana tu?
Aku rasa daripada kursuskan cikgu2 ni dengan benda yg bukan2 baik la hantar pegi kursus 'anger management'. Serius...stress beb. Kalau korang as parents pun takl sanggup melayan sorg anak terejal kat rumah 24hrs, imagine ada 5,6 org mcm tu dalam satu kelas. Tak gila kau? Belum lagi terberak, terkencing, termuntah dalam kelas. Belum lagi demam. Belum lagi bergaduh. Belum lagi kes tak buat homework. Mana la tak naik angin.
so, apa aku buat kalau aku naik angin??Aafter 4 tahun mengajar, i learn that i am scary when i got angry. I might as well turn green ripping all my clothes a la The Incredible Hulk. So the first thing i do is...i sit. Far from the children. Where my quick hands can't reach any of their body parts. And then i open my mouth and start my lecture like for ever. That is better than abusing the kids. I think. on some very bad day, i just leave the class for a few minutes.
Speaking of terejal...you may think how terejal my class kids are. Well, one of them was locked up at the police station for shoplifting..he is 9 by the way.Tthe other one was supposedly in Special Edu class but his parents are so in denial we have to bear with the kid's unruly behaviour. Oh, he is the one that can talk about sex as candidly as talking about cats. Who else..erm, this one girl is the ultimate kaki ponteng...by end of last month she has only attend 100 days of school instead of 174. yg lain2 tu...biasa je..gaduh2, jerit2, nangis2, curi2, gunting2 baju...'tu aje'...hehehehehe.
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baru lepas nagis2 sebab cikgu maths bersara. |
I love my kids.
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