Monday, June 20, 2011

gray's anatomy

Setelah sekian lama meminati warna kukuningan, aku beralih arah kepada KELABU.


lebih kurang sama mcm tadi kan?

i feel stark naked with the color combo...too much white i think.
 would be good with my beach-house-anganku

this so NY... i like..

grey and red would be perfect...but the floor is already yellow-brownish. any suggestion?


  1. aku pun minat grey.. dulu pun rmh aku kaler kecoklatan.. then switch to grey-looked (terpekat sket).. lbh nmpak "matang" & moden.. yg penting grey match dgn ape kaler pun... i mean ur sofa, curtain, even ur floor pun :).. tgk gambar ko 2nd last tu pun floor yellow-brownish, but still look perfect dgn grey wall.. slamat ber interior design.. tgkla klu rajin thun ni, nk tuko kaler my wall to lighter grey.. dulu tu tersalah pilih kaler, ingatkan dh cukup light..

  2. tu la...sbb so far family aku tk penak lg guna gray. en ostat ni nak caler sejuk nyaman gitu...aku lak tak minat biru utk rumah.
