Wednesday, April 18, 2012

funny little things in life

so, this is my IUI update.... we were stalled on the last moment of our phase (i was supposed to be injected by this hormone or trigger or something for 2 days before the big step of IUI) because of.....(drum roll, please) His Majesty throning event. can you believe that? a king has literally stopped me from having baby. How strong an excuse is that? Imagine this:

stranger: Kau ni bila lagi nak ada anak? org lain dah sibuk antar anak gi sekolah kau still mcm ni..
Aku: abis, Dipertuan Agong naik takhta...dia tak bagi org kerja...suma kena cuti..kang kalau lawan derhaka plak kang..

hahahahahaha...funny kan? kan? you do get the joke, dont you?


If there is an only trait in me that i am proud of, that i want my mini me to inherit, that i want people to remember me when i kick the bucket, that annoy the person i love to hate is my morbid sense of humour. the most crying i endure in a single session is about an hour. then i would get massive headache, puffy eyes and blocked nose. but when i laugh, i can go on and on and on and on.....

seriously, my dad once told me to stop laughing so easily because the giggling and the endorphine is making me fat! now i know where i get the funny bone from...abah, abah.....when is asked him where on earth did he get this idea he said all funny people in TV is fat...(well, Neil Patrick Harris is a rare species i supposed). clearly my dad spent waaaaaay too much time watching Maharaja Lawak.

If anything is taken away from me, i pray to God not to take my sense of humour. it's a life saver. it's an ice breaker. it's the thing that my man loves about me. i am his ultimate Jack Black, his animated kung fu Panda. i am his clown. if he cheats on me, i swear i would pray really hard so he gets a seriously boring, control ayu kind of he will suffer to death...hahahaha!

we have decided to go easy on this trying time. to breathe easy and go with the flow. being somber might upset my ovum, it might shrivel like asam boi. my mucus will have higher pH and that will destroy the swimming seeds. my fellopian tubes might change route up towards my nose instead of to my ovaries. hah!

so if i do mope, let me be...for an hour at most. remind me that the crow feet around my eyes are getting more pronounced everytime i sulk.

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