Tuesday, October 26, 2010

culture club

if u wanna know another culture or another country, what do you do? most probably u travel there. i love travelling but with my ciput bajet, i found another way to experience it. FOOD. yup, i truly think food is another way to taste the accent of the culture/country. ewah, mcm travelogue journalist la plak. (that also would be the only reason to my expanding waistline and even bigger hips.)

tapi sungguh...berapa org je antara kita yg mampu nak pergi ke tpt yg kita nak (in my case, the place would be SPAIN. sbb the first book about another country i read was about spain). and since i am considered a mutated ulat buku + couch potato clone by my family...i always ended up craving for the foreign food.

 for instance, Japanese food. it started after Uni where i faithfully followed a japanese drama...cam best je makanan dia. then in maktab, a friend taught me how to eat japanese. i was hooked....smpi la terjangkit lak kat hubby. then i found out that japanese food more often than not rely on 'mirin' (a sweet cooking rice wine). erk...tak halal tu! so i stopped eating japanese until i cant stand no more. i search high and low for japanese recipes and other halal substitute....SUCCESS! i made my own halal version of teriyaki, miso soup and tempura. Thank you Allah!

i avoid Korean drama...because i cant stand my own drama if i was to crave for Korean food...Kimchi looks disgusting, anyway.

not to mention while reading 'Eat, Love, Pray' i was constantly on pasta diet ( to hubby's dismay coz he loathes pasta). spiral, spaghetti, bows angels hair, bolognaise, seafood, vegies, chicken.....anything i can get my chubby hands on. oh, by mentioning Italy, i might as well try to make some of those biscotti. imagine...a strong cup of coffee and slices of toothbreaking, hard biscotti during rainy days. hmmmmmm......

oh, and i follow Martha Stewart. my mind go haywire thinking of all the cookies and cakes..thus the explaination for the sudden frenzy of endless baking. sugar, flour, choc chips, vanilla.....yummy...i even toyed with the idea to enroll in baking classes. gila!

right now, i am reading a book by Katheryn Stockett, 'the Help'. OMG..i swear i could smell those buttermilk fried chicken, peach cobbler and iced tea...eventhough the nearest i've been to american southern food is maybe KFC. hahahaha!

come to think of it all......i might as well install a good oven and cooking hobs in our new house. mana tau kan, dtg giler aku nak mkn yg bukan2.  "darling, is there any sen left to buy me one of these?" *wink, wink*

1 comment:

  1. kimchi is quite nice hehehe. tapi southern style fried chicken, iced tea n peach cobbler sound heavenly!
    bila aku nak pi italy n kau nk pi spain ni????
