Wednesday, May 19, 2010

sampai jugak.

(sambil menaip mcm trdgr2 awie gelakkan aku)

last week smpi juga akhirnya parcel yg ditunggu2. aku kah org yg penyabar itu?
agaknya bila bleh habis buku-buku ni? well...dah beli kena jugak baca. i just finish the first one - 'Abrahan Lincoln the vampire hunter'. interesting. very interesting. i think the author tries to give a more edgy and darker personality to Honest Abe. ada plak gambar2 yg make it more valid la konon. the style of writing...mcm baca buku lama2. very bersopan santun walaupun dlm keadaan marah.


1 comment:

  1. nnt review eh 'love at the time o cholera' tu... & also 'the girl wit dragon tattoo'. slamat membaca! :)
