Wednesday, May 5, 2010

twilighted, new mooned, eclipsed and broke the dawn.

It all started wit this one. bought it out of boredom n curiosity. then...i was hooked. heheheh...rupanya my cousin dah terjebak dulu. told u i was a late-bloomer. klu tak silap, masa beli ni the world was embracing the sequel "new moon". ceh, tgk je sana sini madness psl twilight t tak tau pun apa twilight.

my only disappointment was: 1) rob pat is too pretty n girly for the roles n 2) kirsten was too.....control, no sense of humor lgsung. unlike the character in book. taylor lautner ROCKS! come to think of it...kenapa eh out 17 yo kat msia ni tak mcm dia?




pastu. aku demam vampire for the next 2 months. Laki aku pun aku suruh wat rambut cam rob pat. heheheheh.....

btw, finished all four books in a two weeks.

1 comment:

  1. aku pon lambat tau psl twilight saga ni & by the time i git 2 know 'bt it, the movie was already world-wide hit. yes, rob pat is deliciously irresistable as 17yo vampire. hehe. aku adalah x heran sbb suami aku pon camtu gak wen he was 17yo so i hav my own version o kewl vampire coklat. wahahhahahahahha! (tergolek2 aku gelak ni woi!!!)
