Tuesday, August 16, 2011

is it or is it not?

it 's late. for the second time.

14 days to be exact. the first time, i tested and it was -ve. i was devastated. it changed my whole faith on having a family altogether. how can your body played tricks on you??

scared to take the test. scared that the heartbreak repeats. i might lose myself.

why can't i be normal like other people?


  1. hei. u are normal in so many ways. insyaAllah, never lose faith. God is great, just never lose faith.

  2. hang in there beb.. n never ever lose faith.

  3. beb..my first i was late for 7 days..checked at GP -ve...but after that i tried again aft dah 10 days cos x dtg2 jugak..n sure enuff +ve..doc ckp mula2 maybe hormon low so x pick up..so just go n do it..the first urine in the morning..thats the best time..

  4. ilie, itu macam kalu...aku tunggu smpi lagi seminggu lebih la...mana tau kan, bulan puasa ni hormon ada depleted skit....
