Monday, August 2, 2010

the millenium trilogy

(malas aku nak amik pic buku ni sbb dah dlm kotak.) this book revolves around Lisbeth Salander, a weird sociopath marooned by the society. a few people around her suspect her to be an Aspeger's Syndrome patient but no medical record to claim so. then there is Mikael Blomkvist. a respectable reporter who tried to revel a corrupt business tycoon which he failed to do so. nevertheless, he managed to ruffles a few feather in the govt of Sweden.

first of all, i am no fan of anything Swedish except Ikea. this book is translated from the Swedish version so as a warning, there will be tonnes of hard-to-spell-and-even-harder-to-pronouns names. the book dragged me halfway of its content to actually tie everything together. the first half of the book is  different chapters on Salander, Blomkvist, the Millenium and the Vangers. only then reader will find the connection between all of the story. it's like 3 small paths that eventually lead to one big road. the undertone of the book is business crime, incests, BDSM (yes, i said it right) and violence to women. the first book doesnt really dwell on Salander but highlighted more on Blomkvist. one very outstanding trait of Salander is that she is one of the best hacker in the world.  so by the end of the book, i was quite troubled by the book title because it refers to the tattoo Salander has and the trivias on violence on women in Sweden but not quite reveal who Salander is.

then come the second book. this time more of Salander history is in focus. from how she was first admitted into a mental hospital to how she get a guardian. this time the theme "violence on women" and "individual rights" is more prominent. Salander shows more of her hacking skills. and even more gruesome details on BDSM. and more 'alternative' sex orientation of the European. and more of Blomkvist playboy-ness. i even started to visioning Pierce Brosnan as Blomkvist...yummm. Salander again involves in Blomkvist's quest to bust Sweden prostitution and human trafficking crime. but along the way, she encounters the name Zalachenko, her father and a very dangerous man entangled in the WWW II affairs. to make matters worst, the reporter of the milleneum (Blomkvist's publishing company) is killed right after she met him, so she became the murder suspect. then start the hunting of Salander that eventually involes Blomkvist (to help her), Zalachenko (to kill her), her strange half-brother (to help Zalachenko to kill her), a gangster, a secret police division and a conspiracy to kill her that lead to the next book.

now, this book is even more confusing and must be read with great patience and care. again, more Swedish names and more of its contitutional law. the capturing of Salander leads to the first question "why and how she was admitted to a mental hospital @ the age of 12?". it turns out that Zalacehenko is a spy that is protected by an even more secret and special division in the secret and special division of special Police. which will involes former prime minister, the secretary of defence and the whole gang of law enforcement. Team Blomkvist vs team Zalachenko vs the ordinary police. add in a court room drama, a few bust of the special unit and a gang of highly skilled hackers.....Salander is a free woman. Which really answers to the facts that Stieg Larsson tried to explain about violence on women in Sweden.

there. go read them. with patience. with great, great patience.

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